This story is for children ages 8-12 who knows about bullying and not afraid to take a stand against it.
One day after camp, Jason decides to go with a camp buddy to the store before going home.
He hear his mother's voice saying, come straight home after camp. Jason doesn't listen and ignore his mother's wishes. Thomas the camp buddy said, let's go to the store and Jason agrees. Let's grab some chips and a popsicle and then they went their separate ways.
Jason's mother was delighted to see her son walk through the door with a big smile on his face.
Mrs. Brown asks, how was camp today? Jason said, it was great we went to the museum of National History.
His little sister and brother was at the table building a house made from leggos. Paul his next door neighbor was pulling Patty's hair, Jason's cousin.
Paul is the neighborhood bully as you can see from the picture, he does not know how to be a nice friend. Jason and his siblings said to Paul, you should stop being a bully, it's not cool!
Paul replied, I am just playing, can anyone take a joke around here and started smiling and laughing.
If you guys don't want to play with me I will find my other friends to play with around here.
He leaves Jason's house and slams the door as if he were mad. Patty said good I am glad he is gone. I hate when he pulls my hair. Bullying sucks and no one should be bullied.
One day after camp, Jason decides to go with a camp buddy to the store before going home.
He hear his mother's voice saying, come straight home after camp. Jason doesn't listen and ignore his mother's wishes. Thomas the camp buddy said, let's go to the store and Jason agrees. Let's grab some chips and a popsicle and then they went their separate ways.
Jason's mother was delighted to see her son walk through the door with a big smile on his face.
Mrs. Brown asks, how was camp today? Jason said, it was great we went to the museum of National History.
His little sister and brother was at the table building a house made from leggos. Paul his next door neighbor was pulling Patty's hair, Jason's cousin.
Paul is the neighborhood bully as you can see from the picture, he does not know how to be a nice friend. Jason and his siblings said to Paul, you should stop being a bully, it's not cool!
Paul replied, I am just playing, can anyone take a joke around here and started smiling and laughing.
If you guys don't want to play with me I will find my other friends to play with around here.
He leaves Jason's house and slams the door as if he were mad. Patty said good I am glad he is gone. I hate when he pulls my hair. Bullying sucks and no one should be bullied.