Thursday, March 14, 2024

3 Best Ways to get Your First 1,000 Followers In a Few Days.

 Tik Tok is a hotspot and founded in September 2016 for people to gain recognition freely and openly in a few minutes.

I. The best ways to get 1,000 followers:

II. Good Content: 

Think of why you are there on Tik Tok and purposes.

1. Start following people in your field of business or career.

2. Follow people who interest you and inspiring.

3. Others you could follow is very entertaining and educational.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

 People are always struggling to make ends meet to pay rent and keep food on the table. There is a database for others to check out for FREE to see if due a refund. It's called, National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators. (NAUPA)

This site is also for businesses to see if they are due a refund as well.