Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tammie's Nightmare of Cyber Bullying

Growing up and entering middle school can be rough, exciting and learning new people. It's good to meet new schoolmates and become friends. Some your glad you've met and others you wish never introduced themselves. It's not cute for girls to act bad and focus should be on earning good grades and challenging yourself to be the best student and pushing towards making the honor roll, now this is fun.

Causing trouble is not cool, Tammie is a 14 year old girl attends John Harris Middle School in Blue Mountain, Missouri and likes her school very much. She met a lot of new friends and especially Chad a 15 year old that is a special friend to Tammie and he thinks she's cool. They hang out on the weekends and chat online. Some girls at school is jealous because Chad doesn't pay them any attention and he only have eyes for Tammie. They're just friends and nothing more, not in a relationship.

These three teen girls are starting to pick on Tammie at school and online which she is trying to avoid but they seem to find her online.Wow, talking about not having a life and it's plenty of things to do besides bothering people in a mean way. Many parents don't know their kids are being bullied or doing the bullying and this is very sad and needs to be addressed preventing it in schools and home environment, you can't stop everyone from bullying.

Tammie tried to talk to the girls to see what is the problem but they are not speaking to her. Kids can be mean and viscous. Being a teenager has it's perks and learning to believe in yourself, self-love and respect for others is a task. Tammie didn't become friends with the girls and she decided to ignore them and block from her Social Networking Sites. (IMAGE BY ALIFSTYLE)
Chad said to Tammie we will always be friends and no one will stand in our way.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Jeff's Favorite Book

Jeff is 10 years old, and he attends Blue Berry Elementary School in Red Rock city, he is in the 5th grade and his teacher's name is Ms. Applehouse. She is very nice but does not play with her students when it comes time to completing classroom assignments. Blue Berry students have reading challenges every day of the week.

They get to wear cool medallions when they read 20 books every month and the ultimate challenge is 100 books for the whole school year. Mrs.Firecracker, the Principal challenge all students to do their best in all subjects but reading is the top reward. The children get so excited when their reading a lot of books and its competition for the students to improve their reading skills.

Jeff has a favorite book called Piggy Wiggly Science Project and he reads this book once a week.
His classmate Ronald says, Jeff isn't your tired of reading this book? Jeff replied, no this is my favorite book, and I will read it all the time. It's talking about my love for science and building things.

I like to build robots with my Lego's at home and I plan to fly to the moon. What about you, Ronald?
What is your favorite school subject? Ronald said I like reading just like you Jeff.
Yeah, reading is cool and fun!

Artist: Alifstyle...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Airyana's Mirror

Growing up is exciting and happy times and your family loves you dearly. When your starting school kids can start to be cruel and becoming very distant and mean to other kids. It's great to have a lot of friends at school and in your neighborhood but if someone continue to treat you mean then you have to stand up for yourself.

Airyana is asked by a classmate to tie her classmate's shoe strings. Do you think this student is being mean?
If their fingers or arms are not broken and in a cast, other schoolmates just watching with confused faces.
Now they are in line waiting to eat breakfast in their classrooms with their teachers, this is a new thing eating in the classrooms.

Sometimes Airyana and friends feel they have to prove their friendship to one another and resulting to not being yourself, trying to impress others and ending results the teacher have to speak several times about not being a negative follower and being sent to the principal's office, which is not good at all.

Airyana goes home sometimes having low self-esteem because of a classmate making her feel bad about herself because of their peer pressures and trying to find who they really are without having to prove anything. Airyana looks into her mirror and say, I am a pretty little girl no matter what people say and I am a nice person and will never let anyone hurt me by their words, then she gave herself a big smile in the mirror and starting brushing her hair into a pony tail.

The moral of this story is be yourself and try to be nice to your schoolmates no matter if they're trying to be mean and if you feel like it's getting kind of crazy with classmates and others, tell your teachers and other school staff. Smiling is better than frowning, it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.

PHOTO BY Lewilljo: