Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yippey! Half Day of School (Ages 9-12)

Mom, Friday is a half of day, do I have to go to school, said Ericka? Sorry, but yes you must attend school.
It's an official school day and why would you ask me that question? Because my classmate Trina said, her mother is allowing her to stay at home. We'll Ericka, get that plan out of your head because I will never allow you to stay at home on a half day of school. Wouldn't you like to make perfect attendance?

Going to school is something to make you proud and you can get an award. Now, how cool is that?
Always remember, only your teacher can pass you to the next grade level, not your classmates.
Earning good grades and going to school every day is important and necessary. Education is powerful and learning is fun and the golden rules of school and being a great student.

Ericka you can't do everything your schoolmates is allowed to do from their parents. While in school you're responsible for finishing your work and making sure you have your homework. Being organized is helpful to your teachers and they will see you are paying attention and following directions.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's Cool To Be Smart And Stay In School (Ages 7-12)

One day Josie was walking with her friends to school and Nicole said, I am getting tired of school sometimes I want to stay at home. Josie said, why? Nicole replied, school is boring!
Rena started laughing and said I don't agree with you, school is fun to me and I love math my favorite subject. Josie said and I like science and reading I always get perfect marks on my reading log.

If school is so boring Nicole, why you're not on the honor roll? Nicole says, because sometimes I don't feel like reading I just want to go on the playground and have fun, we are in school for eight hours a day and we always have to be quiet and no fun. We'll this is why we are in school to learn and it's cool to be smart, you don't have to be like other kids, not doing your work.If you don't do your lessons that can make you stay back and repeat the 5th grade all over again and no your mother is not going for that Nicole, Josie replied.

Yeah, you're right Josie I do like math and when we go to Physical Ed. to excercise and I like when
Mrs. Applehouse start the multiplication game with our class. See Nicole, I knew you like school.
Every kid should stay in school and learning is fun and it's cool to be smart all the time.

I can't wait until we graduate and go to middle school, Nicole stated and the other girls agree but it will be much harder and very disciplined teachers and school work with many classes and make new friends.